There is a transformation happening on our planet. We have long waited for this metamorphosis and maybe we have even come here to be part of this great shift. It involves us waking up waking up to the power within, to our greatness. Waking up our energy system, expanding our consciousness and reconnecting to all that is.
It's been called many things this inner energy that can awaken. The name doesn’t matter. It is life and it is inside of you, either actively or deep down, you know it. This force can be a huge and more intentional resource in your life.
It is up to us to take responsibility for this. We need to actively seek to be in the process of awakening, activating and reconnecting. It is not always an easy undertaking, it is a surrendering to a higher consciousness. The mind cannot grasp this process, it needs to be felt on a deep level. It can be a very intense feeling, with parts that shake our world. In the end it brings us back to the joy of being alive.
Sometimes it does involve opening up to all the emotions that are there to be experienced in this life. Things we have suppressed, things we carry around in our beautiful physical bodies that don't serve us. Do you want to free yourself?
If you are ready to take this adventure into yourself you're about to start the great journey of rediscovering and remembering. Of those who take this journey, selected individuals can become vessels for others to remember their greatness and wake up to their life force. They can become the catalyst for others evolution they can become the bringers of light.
How is this selection process done? You get to select yourself by the desire to be this force in your own and other people's lives. That doesn't mean you have to be a perfect human being you just have to share your heart with others.
If you feel this calling, if you long to help others in this way to awaken their energy bodies, experience kundalini awakening and remember their greatness, this desire has probably been with you for a very long time. You know it. You are it. There is no doubt.
The 7 day energy training will help you remember your own greatness and awaken your energy system in a greater way and ignite the ability within you to do the same for others. This is not a complex thing, it is a journey, and if you are willing to take that journey with us, you will be able to share this with others in profound ways.
We will do this TOGETHER.
It's been called many things this inner energy that can awaken. The name doesn’t matter. It is life and it is inside of you, either actively or deep down, you know it. This force can be a huge and more intentional resource in your life.
It is up to us to take responsibility for this. We need to actively seek to be in the process of awakening, activating and reconnecting. It is not always an easy undertaking, it is a surrendering to a higher consciousness. The mind cannot grasp this process, it needs to be felt on a deep level. It can be a very intense feeling, with parts that shake our world. In the end it brings us back to the joy of being alive.
Sometimes it does involve opening up to all the emotions that are there to be experienced in this life. Things we have suppressed, things we carry around in our beautiful physical bodies that don't serve us. Do you want to free yourself?
If you are ready to take this adventure into yourself you're about to start the great journey of rediscovering and remembering. Of those who take this journey, selected individuals can become vessels for others to remember their greatness and wake up to their life force. They can become the catalyst for others evolution they can become the bringers of light.
How is this selection process done? You get to select yourself by the desire to be this force in your own and other people's lives. That doesn't mean you have to be a perfect human being you just have to share your heart with others.
If you feel this calling, if you long to help others in this way to awaken their energy bodies, experience kundalini awakening and remember their greatness, this desire has probably been with you for a very long time. You know it. You are it. There is no doubt.
The 7 day energy training will help you remember your own greatness and awaken your energy system in a greater way and ignite the ability within you to do the same for others. This is not a complex thing, it is a journey, and if you are willing to take that journey with us, you will be able to share this with others in profound ways.
We will do this TOGETHER.
Coming up in The Netherlands
In total silence,
Blue Rose Bloemendaal Nadi Rama NRGY School Directions to: Blue Rose Summerschool July 18/19/20 weekend one 24/25/26/27 weekend two with innerdance masterclass Cost: € 2550,- JOIN? We would love for you to join this AMAZING program. You will learn all you need to safely and with confidence facilitate and hold space for huge transformation. Since these events have an life changing effect, you need to be ready. We have have a view prerequisites for participation: